I am having a hard time believing Andrew has had another birthday. He is my sweetheart. I am so grateful I get to be his mom. We had a pirate birthday party for him. He definitely got spoiled. We all had a great time putting the party together, and we all helped. It was a little too windy part of the time, but the sun was out so it was nice enough. Our balloons blew away with the wind, but we had pirate bandannas, swords and eye patches, so who needs balloons? Happy birthday little guy. I love you tons!!
Hello world!
3 months ago
What an awesome party. You are a very cute, er, I mean scary bunch of pirates! Happy birthday Andrew!
You guys make great pirates. Argh! He's already 3? You're running out of baby at your house.
You are so good at the "whole" party thing. Looks like tons of fun. I cannot believe he is so big. Kap
Thanks ladies. It was really fun to be a pirate for a day. Kerri, you're right- we are running out of baby at our house (that is intentional), and in some ways it is very sad. Happily though, when I see a super cute baby thing I think of all my friends and family who have plenty of baby left, and it makes me a better auntie.
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