Working with someone for the greater good isn't as simple as it sounds. My opinion of the "greater good" might be entirely different from the other persons idea of the greater good. Sometimes we get lost in our efforts to express our true values. For the most part, I believe we surround ourselves with people we have commonalities with. I have found, in my on-going attempt to be a better communicator, that the people around me and I have varying opinions on what the greater good actually is. I try to be a Christian person, to be giving, forgiving, understanding, to live with the spirit of Christ is my life always. I try to live my life this way for the good of the people around me, for my family, and because this is how I want to be. (Always a work in progress). What am I striving for? What is my role here? Can a difference for good be catalyzed by one person? I don't just want to be dulcet, but to make a difference for good, for the greater good.
Hello world!
3 months ago
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