If you knew us when we went to SUU, chances are you also knew a guy named Josh Jones. He had this way of saying peoples names who only had 2 syllables. Like a mom would say "it's dinner time" with a little up and down intonation, and some < > crescendo and decrescendo in there. He was always saying Mike Mills- he made it sound like there are 3 syllables instead of two. In any case, this entry isn't about Josh Jones (with 3 syllables), it is about Mike Mills (with 3 syllables).
Mike has always had a passion about him that is attractive. He is creative, I wish I had a picture of the project he made for an art class he took- he turned some chunks of wood into a vase with hardware flowers. It was really creative and I was impressed. I don't remember what he called it, but it was a clever name. Mike can make you feel important, and one of a kind. He is a very good story teller, with voice impressions and actions to go with it, he can make a melodramatic situation in to a comedic hilarity. Mike has really strong arms, I have never seem him loose in an arm wrestle. Mike is a good dad, he is always happy to engage in a game with his kids. These are a few things I love about Mike.
Hello world!
3 months ago
This is great. thanks for sharing! I would like to take him on in an arm wrestle! I love you Mike!
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