Sunday is a busy day. I am glad I don't shop and do other things on Sunday; it would be impossible to fit all of Sunday's activities in. I just got called to Senior Primary Chorister, that is on top of my other 3 callings. Today I subbed for Junior Primary, the little one's are really funny. It was hard for me to not bust up in laughter in front of everyone today. There was a little boy how was trying to fit his head through the sleeve of his coat, and a little girl who was poking her toes out of the holes in her tights, and the primary presidency was just kickin it in the back chatting (I am sure it was about primary stuff). What a funny day in primary. After church I went right to the computer to start working on one of my other callings, and Mike went to a scout meeting. I forgot to feed the kids so all the happiness we brought home from church erupted into fighting and ornery attitudes. All settled and was well after a snack. We went to my parents house this evening because I left my phone there yesterday. Now that I write it down it doesn't seem like that much, but it felt like ton, may be because we didn't go to bed till 2:30am. We had a great time visiting some good friends, the Williams family, last night in Brigham City. We were having too much fun and forgot to leave at a reasonable hour. Now it is the end of the day, we are making preparations for the new week. Here we go, starting a new week. It always flies by. I hope to savor the little moments that I will never get back, Samantha's hugs, Emily's jokes, and Andrew's babble. Good night. Sleep tight.
Hello world!
3 months ago
Yay! I check your blog periodically and was rewarded today. Such adorable photos of your lovely kids. It was really fun to see you Sunday. Samantha and Eva were looking in the mirror Sunday and Sam said while tilting her head from side to side, "Our ponytails are soooo cute!" (They are!)
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